Tuesday, November 30, 2010

you know you're foreign if you...

...drive around with lamb in the trunk of your car.  Lamb?  Yes...lamb.  Sorry.  Let me rewind....

I don't know how many times my friends and I have discussed our foreignness.  We're not ashamed of it.  It is what it is and we just laught about it.  We can probably write a book about it.  Let me take that back.  I know we can write a book about it.  For example:  We know we're foreign because our parents have a main fridge, a backup fridge, and a backup freezer.  We know we're foreign because we always have an extra car, as old as it can be, on hand for our cousins to borrow.  We know we're foreign because when we say "back home", we're talking about our foreign, mother land.  We know we're foreign because unless we grow up to be a doctor, our parents will always secretly be disappointed in us.  We know we're foreign because we're always either dropping off or picking up someone at the airport.

About a month ago, I told my friend Paul that I was extra foreign for driving around with lamb in the trunk of my car.  He laughed and said, "I got you beat.  Last week, I went to Frederick with my dad and killed a goat with my bare hands."  Damn.  He did have me beat.  About a week later, I was telling his brother, Pius, about the conversation.  Of course, we both laughed, but Pius asked, "Wait...was it cooked?"  I said, "No.  It was raw.  The butcher just chopped it up.  It's the whole thing.  Head, heart, liver, and everything."  We laughed some more until he told me the icing on the cake: "So, you know the goat they killed?  Well, my dad skinned it and hung the skin in the garage to dry.  He didn't care that the garage smelled like road kill for like a month.  When it was dry, he sent it home."  We died laughing.  I asked, "What are they gonna do with goat skin?"  Paul said, "It's probably someone's shorts by now.  'Hey, man!  What you wearing?  Is it that new goat?  Damn!  Where can I get that?'"  Oh, I love being foreign. --M.S.

Monday, November 15, 2010

corruption in PG county

For those of you not from MD and probably won't know this, MD residents are pretty loyal to their counties.  We like the services provided by our counties.  We know the good and the bad.  And, of course, we know the good and the bad of the surrounding counties as well.  As a Montgomery County resident, I shake my head to the latest shenanigans of Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson.  Johnson and his wife, County Councilmember-elect Leslie, were arrested this past Friday by the FBI for corruption charges.  Am I surprised?  No.  This is PG County we're talking about.  According to the FBI, at the time of the arrest, $79,600 in cash was found in Leslie's underwear.  Yes.  $79,600 in cash.  I know.  That's a lot of cash.  Where did she hide it all?  There's no way that one woman's panties and bra can fit $79,600 in cash!

To top the icing on the cake, I saw Jack Johnson's brief statement to the media immediately after his release.  His statement included the following, and I promise I'm quoting: "...I have 3 weeks to go and I am going to put all of my efforts into this defense and to, ummm, take care of the b'ness of the..for the people of Prince George's County for the remaining 3 weeks.  I can't tell you how scrongly I feel about what I've said..."  Yes, folks, he said "b'ness" and "scrongly."  I'm going to assume he meant "business" and "strongly."  Again I shake my head to PG County. ---M.S.

I am tagging along on M.S.'s post because this may be the blog that is going to end a 10 year friendship. Not really...we will be friends until we grow gray hair. Wait I have gray hair already, back to the subject at hand.  I am a PG county resident and I am very disappointed in Jack B. Johnson and his wife mainly because I voted for him twice and I am very happy about what he has done for PG County.  Are we surprised that a politician is involved in a scandal?  No!!! It has nothing to do with the county.  It has everything to do with people in power are corrupt especially politicians.  Clinton, Barry, Spitzer, Blagojevich and Condit (sex, bribery, drugs, prostitution and maybe even murder).  I wanted to talk about this subject when the shit hit the fan but I was too upset, I didn't know where to start.  Although Johnson proclaims his innocence it is hard to believe him when you hear him say "put the money in your bra and tear up the check and flush it down the toilet" and you hear the toilet flushing in the background.  His behavior is inexcusable and he makes minorities look bad.  They will make an example out of him but let's keep it real this is not the first and it won't be the last.  Until next time in the DMV...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

manny pacquiao for president?

I'm not a boxing fan.  I don't follow the fighters.  I don't know who's good.  I don't know who's bad.  I don't know anyone's record.  I cringe at the thought of two people trying to beat each other to a bloody pulp.  However, somehow, someway, I find myself sitting in front of the TV, watching HBO's PPV, everytime Pacquiao fights.  I cheer for him.  I cringe when his punches land, which is most of the time.  I actually enjoy it.  Could it be the simple fact that maybe I do like boxing?  Maybe.  Could it be my Filipino pride?  Most likely.  There's something about the power in Pacquiao's punches that draw me to watch his fights.  I just watched his fight against Margarito.  For those of you who didn't see it, just imagine a guy's face turning into a piece of raw meat after 10 minutes.  The right side of his face was so swollen, he can barely see out of his right eye.  Repeatedly, they checked Margarito's vision, holding up their fingers and asking, "Cuanto?"  Round after round, Margarito's face bled even more.  Pacquiao, on the other hand, never faltered.  He never slowed down.  He actually did the Mohamed Ali shuffle.  Pacquiao beat Margarito every single round.  This was his 8th championship, I think.  Did I mention Margarito was about 5 inches taller and 17 pounds heavier than Pacquiao?  What the hell?!?!?!  Pacquiao can do anything!  He can run for Congress if he wanted to.  Actually, he did and he won (in the Philippines).  Manny Pacquiao for President?  Maybe.  We'll see. ---M.S.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kanye Genius or Crazy?

Seriously is Kanye on something?  Why is he so Passive Agressive?  This behavior is not normal is it?.  But they say geniuses are crazy.  DMV is this true?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Should you make National headlines if you put yourself in that predicament?

A few years back when I was partying hard in the streets of DC with my girlfriends we would see young ladies who would be drunk in the bars, clubs and streets without any friends and we would say there goes another "victim".  We were joking at the time but now that I am getting older and seeing all these females grabbing National media attention after they have been victimised I can't help to ask myself "is it fair that they get years of media attention, when they are the ones that put themselves in that situation."  Listen, I know it is not fair to blame the victim however we do not live in a Utopian society therefore you should do everything in your power to be smart and live smart.  Think safety first, always have a game plan.  When my girlfriends and I would go out we always had a designated driver, we never left each other and we would always come together and leave together.  I guess my problem with some of these media attention stories is....I did want to pull it out....but I have to...."The race card"....Yes ladies and gentlemen I am saying it....because these victims are white females they have dominated our media headlines.  One of the victims was a teenager who was giving permission to go to another country, she got drunk and her friends left her.  I could tell you already how that story was going to end.  I am not trying to be a bitch about it but why are we spending so much time on it? What about Temeka or Maria who may be a victim of crime that no one ever hears about because she is not white.  Whenever my girlfriends and I went out to the bars, clubs and events downtown the main race being so carefree and unsafe was the white people.  The other headline in the media is about a female that has an affair with a powerful married man and goes out to the woods for a supposed morning run once again I can tell you the out come....The wife of the married man killed her just a thought....I watch a lot of Lifetime.  Anyway I know I am sounding insensitive but I think a lot of you were thinking it and if you weren't, food for thought.  Until next time in the DMV stay current.